The topic of my speech is Cheboksary agglomeration: new opportunities, investment development horizon. It is absolutely certain that the agglomeration approach is a trend, it is global and federal. The tasks outlined by our Prime Minister in the spatial development strategy also speak about it. 200 agglomerations, 2000 reference settlements, and we are no exception, are also moving in this format. For two years we have been working on the master plan of the Cheboksary agglomeration together with the UrbanPro consortium. We have completed this work, and the master plan of the Cheboksary agglomeration has been approved to date.
Why is it needed? Clearly, it is a concentration of resources. Also in our region, the Cheboksary agglomeration is 80% of the industrial potential and 2.3 million population. It is 6 municipalities, but in general, of course, it is a point of development for us. What do I want to dwell on, what does the agglomeration master plan give us first of all?
Yes, over this period of time, over 4-5 years, we have actually developed very well in various directions. And in terms of increasing GRP. When we came, it was somewhere between 320 and 350, but this year we will close somewhere between 600 and 650, almost doubled. In terms of industry last year, the increase was 30%.
Investments are also growing by multiples. But most importantly, revenues and budgets are growing. We have almost doubled the revenue part of the budget. As for the average per capita income, if earlier we were in 13th place, now we are in 7th place. We need not only to maintain these rates, but above all to achieve sustainability. The principle of sustainable development for us is precisely the agglomeration approach. What outputs and what effect do we see from the creation of the master plan for the Cheboksary agglomeration? For us, the master plan is not just a document. Of course, we have also approved a plan for implementing the strategy. For us, it is, first of all, a plan of work for a certain period.
Together with the DOM.RF team, we consciously worked on 40 projects, specific projects. 40 projects that should become drivers that can give impetus to various industries and areas. Of these 40, we focused on 10 in 7 main areas. These are, first of all, those areas that strengthen our strengths: both industrial potential and tourism. Of course, with care for people, of course, with care for a comfortable environment. This includes square meters, quality housing, social infrastructure, transportation and road infrastructure. And, accordingly, these 10 projects, which we have fixed in the master plan, are our task until the thirtieth year, at least. We are now presenting these projects at all kinds of venues, inviting partners to interact, including in various forms: investment, public-private partnership, concentrating resources, including budgetary resources, both regional and federal, so that these projects are implemented as quickly and effectively as possible. This is our task, this is our work plan.
And, yes, there are issues that need to be resolved at the federal level, first of all, normatively and legislatively. There are questions regarding, perhaps, the withdrawal of land resources from the sites where, according to the master plan, a fairly new project is to be implemented. There are other issues, but I think that together with our colleagues from the Ministry of Construction of Russia and the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, we can also find answers to these questions and more quickly implement all of our projects included in this master plan. In this master plan, the points of growth that we have identified are, of course, reinforced by other programs, in particular, the special economic zone, the first residents, the first revenues, tourism, which is talked about, and a set of support measures, both federal, those that all regions have, in principle, as well as separately concentrating regional resources on specific projects.
Why is it needed? Clearly, it is a concentration of resources. Also in our region, the Cheboksary agglomeration is 80% of the industrial potential and 2.3 million population. It is 6 municipalities, but in general, of course, it is a point of development for us. What do I want to dwell on, what does the agglomeration master plan give us first of all?
Yes, over this period of time, over 4-5 years, we have actually developed very well in various directions. And in terms of increasing GRP. When we came, it was somewhere between 320 and 350, but this year we will close somewhere between 600 and 650, almost doubled. In terms of industry last year, the increase was 30%.
Investments are also growing by multiples. But most importantly, revenues and budgets are growing. We have almost doubled the revenue part of the budget. As for the average per capita income, if earlier we were in 13th place, now we are in 7th place. We need not only to maintain these rates, but above all to achieve sustainability. The principle of sustainable development for us is precisely the agglomeration approach. What outputs and what effect do we see from the creation of the master plan for the Cheboksary agglomeration? For us, the master plan is not just a document. Of course, we have also approved a plan for implementing the strategy. For us, it is, first of all, a plan of work for a certain period.
Together with the DOM.RF team, we consciously worked on 40 projects, specific projects. 40 projects that should become drivers that can give impetus to various industries and areas. Of these 40, we focused on 10 in 7 main areas. These are, first of all, those areas that strengthen our strengths: both industrial potential and tourism. Of course, with care for people, of course, with care for a comfortable environment. This includes square meters, quality housing, social infrastructure, transportation and road infrastructure. And, accordingly, these 10 projects, which we have fixed in the master plan, are our task until the thirtieth year, at least. We are now presenting these projects at all kinds of venues, inviting partners to interact, including in various forms: investment, public-private partnership, concentrating resources, including budgetary resources, both regional and federal, so that these projects are implemented as quickly and effectively as possible. This is our task, this is our work plan.
And, yes, there are issues that need to be resolved at the federal level, first of all, normatively and legislatively. There are questions regarding, perhaps, the withdrawal of land resources from the sites where, according to the master plan, a fairly new project is to be implemented. There are other issues, but I think that together with our colleagues from the Ministry of Construction of Russia and the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, we can also find answers to these questions and more quickly implement all of our projects included in this master plan. In this master plan, the points of growth that we have identified are, of course, reinforced by other programs, in particular, the special economic zone, the first residents, the first revenues, tourism, which is talked about, and a set of support measures, both federal, those that all regions have, in principle, as well as separately concentrating regional resources on specific projects.