Ребус 2024

Nikita Stasishin, Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing of the Russian Federation, at the plenary session of REBUS, November 14, 2024

The role of the Ministry of Construction (in the development of agglomerations - ed.), in bureaucratic terms, is to coordinate the implementation of the national project “Infrastructure for Life”, in which this year a separate federal project appeared, which is aimed at the development and balance of agglomerations in terms of transportation, infrastructure accessibility, providing all the necessary infrastructure for comfortable living.
In simple terms, in order for a particular agglomeration to be created, the technically necessary description of the norms and rules of what should be created, how it should be created in terms of density, storeys, all the necessary infrastructure.
You cannot chase only agglomerations, you cannot chase rigid urbanization. Yes, of course, it is inevitable. It is clear that people from some parts of even the Republic of Tatarstan are leaving for Kazan. Here we should look at another thing - and how much the age of a woman's first birth increases in agglomerations. In metropolitan cities, we seem to be creating infrastructure, creating jobs, creating points of attraction, changing the quality of life.
But, unfortunately, if we do not develop not just 200 reference settlements, as our president has set the task, but if we do not develop the countryside, if we do not create in small towns and districts, in fact, our own small agglomerations, which will not only be provided with kindergartens, schools, clinics, roads, but also with quality of life. Then we will be growing demographically.
If we are talking about established agglomerations, then first and foremost, of course, it is transportation infrastructure.
Of course, these are outbound highways, these are expressways, these are high-speed railroads. This is everything that makes it possible to feel in agglomerations that are up to 500 kilometers apart. And what happens next is this. Look, the M-12 Moscow-Kazan highway has been built. There has never been such a volume of housing construction as in the Vladimir region and other regions through which this highway passes.
But the other question is what we are building there, for whom we are building, and what kind of product we are creating. Because even the format of housing construction that, for example, exists in Kazan or Naberezhnye Chelny, well, it seems to me that it should be a little different.
Because if we are talking about agglomerations, or rather, a region with balanced development, as a large agglomeration, there should probably be low-rise construction and individual housing construction somewhere. That is, where the cost per square meter allows for a balanced approach to construction.

No matter what, it is important to ensure that the regions can co-finance transportation, social and engineering infrastructure facilities. Now we are going to have a difficult time in housing construction. Today we understand perfectly well the cost of money and the structure of production costs and loan servicing. Here we should not look only at the key rate, we should look at the costs that developers are incurring today, including the construction of all the necessary infrastructure.
Today in infrastructure, the cost of servicing a loan is as high as 49.51%.
In such conditions, demand will decrease, because the market mortgage rate is simply prohibitive.

You know that we have more targeted programs in terms of family mortgages.
We must understand that we cannot just build bare square meters even in agglomerations. We need to create a completely new quality of life, which even in agglomerations contributed to the improvement of demography. This is the most basic thing.
2024-12-12 18:46