Ребус 2024

Oleg Grigoriev interview - special studio “REAL TIME” on REBUS (Part 1)

Question: Since this REBUS is dedicated to the development of Kazan agglomeration and the development of agglomerations in general, I would like to go into more detail with you. What are the main trends in the development of the Kazan agglomeration today?

O.G.: We see many trends here. The agglomeration is growing, the projected increase from one million to one and a half million today until 2250, mainly, of course, it is growth due to demographics and migration energy. Territorially, Kazan will grow mainly to the west, towards Greater Zelenodolsk.

On the other territories we are trying to slow down a little bit, because, for example, the Laishevsky district, the so-called Laishevsky hub, is already too much, but it continues to develop actively. It is being built further and is developing towards Sokurov. And there we are forced to make a decision to slow down this development. Because the adopted documents assume more than 10 million square meters of housing, which no transport network can bear. At the moment, there is no public transportation, no railroad, nothing. The same applies to some parts of the Pestrechi and Vysokogorsky districts.

Under this volume, of course, it is planned to develop transportation in the sense of roads, but of course, the main focus is on the development of public transport, railroads and bus service. For bus service, of course, it is absolutely necessary to create a network of dedicated lanes where public transportation could move without obstacles. That is, with strict control over the exit to this lane, with an interconnected network of these dedicated lanes. This is the main task, so that really public transportation could move without obstacles and it would be faster and more convenient to get there than on your own four wheels. A person who rides on his own four wheels should see public transportation whizzing past him. We saw this in 2012, as I remember now, when the streetcar was whistling on the South Road, and they were building a bridge near the veterinary academy, and everyone was standing. This should be the ultimate goal of public transportation, that is, it should be convenient, it should run at a good interval. The ideal there is a maximum of 5 minutes, then any of the drivers who stand in the traffic jam will be ready to switch to public transportation.