Ребус 2024

“Kazan: where history breathes and the future beats” - this was the title of the press tour of the International Forum ”REBUS 2024: Agglomerations: Experience. Opportunities. Challenges”.

It was attended by journalists from specialized business federal editions, as well as guests from abroad - Tahmina Turdialieva, Chairman of the Association of Young Architects of Uzbekistan and founder of the architectural studio TATALAB, and Waqas Elahi, Deputy Director of the General Directorate of Trade Organizations of the Ministry of Commerce of Pakistan.

🏢 The capital of Tatarstan is an example of a competent and modern approach to the creation of agglomeration development, as the participants of the press tour could see for themselves. They visited the Suvarovo microdistrict, which is part of the Kazan agglomeration, and inspected its residential complexes - Seasons of the Year, South Park and Sporty Station. By them it is possible to trace how approaches to housing construction and architecture in the city have changed over the last few years - the projects were realized at different times, with different purposes and in different styles, which is reflected in their appearance and even traced in the techniques and methods of construction.

📎 The next stop of the press tour was the historical center of Kazan, where the participants toured the ASG Reception House and Mikhailov's rooms - buildings built in the 19th century, restored, harmoniously blended into the city's appearance and emphasizing its unique flavor. Thanks to careful and attentive attitude to the objects of cultural heritage, the capital of the republic is a synthesis of history and modernity. This attracts tourists who come to Kazan again and again, and is highly appreciated by the citizens. And here an important role is played by companies that are ready to undertake complex and expensive projects of restoration and adaptation of such objects.