The construction of a modern world-class university campus in the fields of machine tool engineering, bioprocessing, and hydrogen energy is the largest educational project in the Kirov region, which will help preserve intellectual capital in the region and attract as many young people as possible, creating new jobs for young researchers and young teachers.
The campus is planned to train personnel on the orders of the leading enterprises and companies of the region, and to conduct scientific research in cooperation with the industrial sector.
To date, more than a dozen industrial partners have confirmed their participation in the realization of the project. The application to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia for participation in the competitive selection has been prepared, the tender documentation has received a positive conclusion of the “agent - VEB.RF”.
The implementation of agglomeration implies solving the issues hindering its development.
In order to regulate relations related to the creation and development of agglomerations in Kirov Oblast, the Law “On the Creation and Development of Agglomerations in Kirov Oblast” was adopted on October 15, 2024.
In 2025, we plan to develop a master plan that will define priorities, goals and expected results of management of socio-economic and spatial development of the territory, as well as determine the activities necessary to achieve the established goals, timeframes and required resource support.
The Kirov Oblast Budget for 2025 already provides funds for the development of this document.
We have familiarized ourselves with the draft federal law “On Amendments to the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation” published by the Ministry of Construction of Russia on the integration of the concept of “master plan” into the urban planning legislation and believe that the adoption of the draft after passing the necessary procedures will accelerate the development of modern cities.
It is necessary to adopt a basic law aimed at creating legal and economic conditions for the development of urban agglomerations.
I would also like to say that this year the city of Kirov celebrated its 650th anniversary. A lot of work was done in preparation for this event.
Cultural heritage objects have been repaired, the automobile and railway stations have been renovated, the airport has been reconstructed, public areas (parks, squares, squares) have been improved, and the public transportation fleet has been replenished.
Significant events were the installation of a monument to Alexander Nevsky on the renovated square in front of the regional philharmonic society and the installation of the art object “Gates of the Russian North” on the reconstructed historic Spasskaya Square.
In 2024 the city of Kirov became the New Year's Capital of Russia.
I take this opportunity to invite you to visit the festive events that will be held from December 7 to January 7.
The campus is planned to train personnel on the orders of the leading enterprises and companies of the region, and to conduct scientific research in cooperation with the industrial sector.
To date, more than a dozen industrial partners have confirmed their participation in the realization of the project. The application to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia for participation in the competitive selection has been prepared, the tender documentation has received a positive conclusion of the “agent - VEB.RF”.
The implementation of agglomeration implies solving the issues hindering its development.
In order to regulate relations related to the creation and development of agglomerations in Kirov Oblast, the Law “On the Creation and Development of Agglomerations in Kirov Oblast” was adopted on October 15, 2024.
In 2025, we plan to develop a master plan that will define priorities, goals and expected results of management of socio-economic and spatial development of the territory, as well as determine the activities necessary to achieve the established goals, timeframes and required resource support.
The Kirov Oblast Budget for 2025 already provides funds for the development of this document.
We have familiarized ourselves with the draft federal law “On Amendments to the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation” published by the Ministry of Construction of Russia on the integration of the concept of “master plan” into the urban planning legislation and believe that the adoption of the draft after passing the necessary procedures will accelerate the development of modern cities.
It is necessary to adopt a basic law aimed at creating legal and economic conditions for the development of urban agglomerations.
I would also like to say that this year the city of Kirov celebrated its 650th anniversary. A lot of work was done in preparation for this event.
Cultural heritage objects have been repaired, the automobile and railway stations have been renovated, the airport has been reconstructed, public areas (parks, squares, squares) have been improved, and the public transportation fleet has been replenished.
Significant events were the installation of a monument to Alexander Nevsky on the renovated square in front of the regional philharmonic society and the installation of the art object “Gates of the Russian North” on the reconstructed historic Spasskaya Square.
In 2024 the city of Kirov became the New Year's Capital of Russia.
I take this opportunity to invite you to visit the festive events that will be held from December 7 to January 7.