Ребус 2024

A plenary session was held with participation of Rustam Minnikhanov, President of the Republic of Tatarstan.

For two whole days Kazan became a center of attraction and a meeting place for leading experts in urban planning, heritage and architecture at the Rebus Forum. In the morning, a plenary session was held to discuss key issues of agglomeration development.

Speaking, Rustam Minnikhanov, the Rais of Tatarstan, reminded that Vladimir Putin had instructed to prepare 200 master plans of agglomerations. Tatarstan is fulfilling this order and is ready to share its experience and replicate developments.

Agglomerations live and develop. In many respects, this process is caused by the growing interest in housing outside major cities and the search for the most comfortable locations. In this regard, a number of tasks come to the forefront, such as job creation, construction and modernization of infrastructure. Omar Nagati, an expert from Egypt, emphasized the importance of developing the periphery, the need to make it more modern and attractive to the population.

The participants of the event shared the experience of their countries and regions in addressing these challenges. All speakers came to a common opinion: the main goal of agglomeration development is to improve the quality of life of people.