Olga Maksimchuk, Doctor of Science, professor at Kalmyk State University named after B.B. Gorodovikov brought up a question that a full-fledged examination is often perceived as an optional, concomitant restoration process which is often saved on. Meanwhile, it is clear from practice that it is important to take into account regional, national, geological features, housing and communal services, so that the project could stand the restoration process and be able to meet its new purpose.
- Thus, for example, when establishing a public garden named after A. Pakhmutova in Volgograd, such work has been missed and hence we had a small environmental disaster. The drainage system was obsolete; and when rain started, the water remained in the garden washing away everything. Therefore, in the process of research, we often address our fellow engineers, electricians, specialists in city networks. And when training students, we try to convey to them the importance not only of the cultural heritage values in their region, but also a number of interdisciplinary features.