Part 2 - implementation and management mechanisms, expert discussion
Expert roundtable session: mechanisms of implementation and management of agglomerations. Analytical slices.
Exchange of experience on implemented projects, Authority of developers and status of adoption of agglomeration documents
Sergey Andreyevich Georgievsky
Chairman of the Expert Council, co-founder of the CENTRE Strategic Development Agency
Elena Valeryevna Neretina
Deputy Minister of Construction and Architecture of the Republic of Mordovia
Alexander Nikolayevich Kolontai
Deputy Director of the Institute for the General Plan of Moscow
Oleg Dmitrievich Grigoriev
Director of GBU “Institute of Spatial Planning of the Republic of Tatarstan”
Nikita Viktorovich Moisievich
Head of Samara-Togliatti Agglomeration Development Department, Autonomous Nonprofit Organization “Integrated Spatial Development of the Samara Region”.