Developing a masterplan as a communication platform
15 November 2024
Hall 10А
Demonstrate how the master plan process can be a tool for establishing an effective dialogue between all agglomeration stakeholders. To show how collaborative planning can lead to more efficient use of resources and implementation of projects. Inspire participants to apply collaborative planning in developing and implementing their own projects.
Polina Konstantinovna Neustroeva
Founder and CEO of URBAN TECH
Oleg Dmitrievich Grigoriev
Director of GBU “Institute of Spatial Planning of the Republic of Tatarstan”
Alena Alexandrovna Protasevich
Leading Project Manager of Urban Pro LLC
Andrei Andreevich Borisovich
Leading expert of the Institute of Transport Economics and Transport Policy of the National Research University Higher School of Economics General Director of LTS LLC (“Transport Systems Laboratory”)
Vasily Mikhailovich Shestyuk
Partner New Environment
Vladislav Konstantinovich Popugaev
Senior Architect of the Design Department of DOM.RF